As I haven't felt a TOS was necessary until now, these rules apply only to artwork & designs purchased from 2024 onwards.
By commissioning me, purchasing an adopt or custom, you are agreeing to the following ➺

for making a purchace

⌘ . I am happy to draw
- Human/Humanoid
- Furry & Anthro
- MLP, Sonic, Cartoon characters
- Any body type & gender presentation
- Real people, pets, OC's
⌘ . I have difficulty drawing
- Feral or complicated animal characters
- Mechanical & armored characters
⌘ . I will not draw
- Characters you do not own the rights to from any media.
Other people's OC's and characters are okay!
- Exaggerated body types or related fetishes
- Vent/Hate art, cultural appropriation, proship, etc
- Gore, SH or body horror
⌘ . I am allowed to decline a commission from you.⌘ . You may cancel / change your order before it has been started. If you cancel and it hasn't been started, you will be refunded. If it has been started, you will receive the work in progress and further compensation depending on where the piece is at.⌘ . All purchases will be paid with via PayPal!⌘ . Most commission options will have include an estimate of how long your commission should take. If it does not, I will provide you with one depending on my workload and you will be refunded if it isn't completed within the given timeframe if you want.⌘ . When commissioning NSFW art or references/customs containing uncensored nudity, you must provide proof of your age and be 18+.

owning a design by me

⌘ . If uploaded to ToyHouse, you must make the design visible to me at all times. If it is a privated character, you must provide me with a key to view the character.
If you are blocked, blacklisted, etc, and you get rid of the character - you may never re-obtain them.
⌘ . If you own one of my designs, please let me know if you're planning to sell them, in case if I'm interested in buying them back or to keep track of where they go.⌘ . As the creator of the design, my TOS should never be overridden by someone else's. Even if you promised your friend to give the character back to them, if it's my design, you are required to follow my TOS and check in with me first.⌘ . You may make any changes you'd like to a design
I've made to suit your preferences!
⌘ . Do no take credit for my designs, even if you heavily alter and change the design or story of the character.


⌘ . The people on this list have broken, not abided by my terms of services, bring great discomfort or I otherwise feel they should not be in hold of a product made by me.
Do not sell, trade, or give away any of my designs/character creations to the people on this list, if you do so, you will also be breaking my terms of services and might get blacklisted.
⌘ . Reasons detailed in this document;
⚠️please read with caution!

‣ PockyCatsBox, PockyCatsEnvy, PockyCatInsanity, DarkPockyCat, PockyMatsu, etc, Pocky/Envy.
‣ Hollowx, Hollow13596849, DarkGray, Hollow/Gray.
‣ MaidenDearist, Naviitsu, FairyyMaiden, FairyyFluer, Nymphvi, Fawnybee, Miniitaiyo, Fawn.
⌘ . Predatory behaviour towards minors & grooming
‣ Elegance, Pupleaf, Pupcat, SoftPeonies, Ehlven, Eden.
‣ Piginaninkwell, Post-mordem, Sillysquealingswine/Squealingswine, Ryter/Porter.
⌘ . Breaking TOS
- none
⌘ . Extreme discomfort / heavily associated
with anybody mentioned above

‣ Mothicdreams, Mothicmemoria, TiredZorua, Zori/Moth.
‣ Jesterment, Joker/Jayden.
‣ Silvifere, Leliepads, Leliehops, Fawnafleur, etc.

Thank you for reading

If you have any questions relating to my TOS, please contact me via my ToyHouse, instagram or discord!